Comino is the smallest of Malta´s inhabited islands, measuring about 3 square kilometres. It has a permanent population of only a few residents. The island has karst landscape with various cave formations. It´s rugged coastline with numerous bays and cliffs are ideal for water sports and diving.
Comino is the smallest of Malta´s inhabited islands, measuring about 3 square kilometres. It has a permanent population of only a few residents. The island has karst landscape with various cave formations. It´s rugged coastline with numerous bays and cliffs are ideal for water sports and diving.
Santa Marija Tower
Built in 1416 on request of Alfons V. of Aragon to shield local residents from possible attacks of corsairs. However the construction has been completed in 1618 during the reign of king Alofe de Wignacourt. It has served as a summer residence and resting place for knights. At present the tower serves as observation point for Maltese army and tourist attraction.
Blue Lagoon and Harbour
Blue Lagoon is one of the most beautiful beaches in Malta. It´s crystal clear water is reflecting the blue sky. And that´s where it´s name origins from :) You can find stunning bays with white sand surrounded by rocks here. Also several refreshment stalls can be found here.
St. Mary´s Cliffs
P31 Shipwreck
There have been discovered foundations of large building from so far undefined period of time. There´s also a beautiful beach to get some tan here.
Chapel dedicated to the St. Mary upon her return from Egypt
Crystal Lagoon
Crystal lagoon is located close to Blue Lagoon. It´s less known with emerald blue water and surronded by cliffs.
Santa Maria Bay
Santa Maria Bay is quiet long sandy beach, which maker perfect alternative to popular Blue Lagoon. It´s ideal for peaceful relaxation.
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